Originally Posted by ratbastid
I don't agree with the conspiracy theorists (although Building 7's failure is inexplicably anomalous). I don't see how people having a real view of the risk of terror could possibly harm anyone but certain republican administration members. There were 14 times more car accident deaths in 2005 alone than deaths caused by terrorism inside the US in the last decade. In terms of attention, budget, and expenditure of life, the so called risk of terror is VASTLY over-sold, and entirely for political purposes.
Am I helping the enemy now?
So therefore the loss of American lives in Iraq isn't worth getting worked up over either and is VASTLY over-sold?
Tell me what is your over-sold thresh hold?
Exactly how much death, destruction, and disruption does it take to make ratbastid take notice?
Do you stroll by on fine spring days and someone says 'hey weren't there two buildings over there yesterday?' and you say 'well yes, but car accidents cause more death. Anyways lets get a coffee.'
Does someone say 'Man this is like the Vietnam war all over' and you say 'well really we barely lost more men in Vietnam than a year worth of car crashes, and that was over an entire decade, cars are 10 times more dangerous, so this whole Vietnam thing was VASTLY over-sold.'
The greatest loss of Civilian life in an attack in the US ever, shut down on of the most important cities on the planet for a week, disrupted international trade and travel for days, but really the threat was over-sold.