I love the Constitution. I love the Bill of Rights. I love the people who helped to clean up after 9/11 or Katrina. I love the people who are fighting fires in SoCal, in fact. I love that a black and and a white woman can date in some places and no one raises an eyebrow. I love that I can be an outspoken atheist but only receive a bit of flack for it (as opposed to being put to death). I love how beautiful places like our national parks are. I love so many things about this country.
I don't love everything. I don't love giant corporations that are 100% profit driven, even at the cost of the health and safety of people. I don't like lobbyists and bribery of politicians. I don't like that we seem to enjoy war on some level. I don't like that a lot of innocent people die because of our leaders, be the deaths foreign or domestic.
I doubt anyone really thinks that the world would be better without the military, but they've already succeeded. They invaded Iraq successfully, they removed the Iraqi government, they found Saddam, and they helped the country to have relatively free elections. I congratulate our military who has not failed us (cept those few who murdered, raped, tortured, etc., but those are not an accurate representation of the whole). I say, let's bring them home and have a massive parade, welcoming them as victorious. They did their part, and I applaud them for it. But it's done. We didn't invade Iraq to mediate a civil war poorly. We didn't invade to arm one sect of Iraqis to fight other sects, neither of which are law abiding. The politicians fucked up, and I'm not willing to allow any of my friends to die because of it. Sorry. If the UN wants to step in as we're leaving, they're welcome. Here's an idea: Iraq needs to come out of it's infancy. The US military didn't make them try to kill each other. Shit, our politicians can't even really be blamed for that. It's long since been time for Iraq to take car of Iraq.