I totally agree with all the previous posts! I work with about 75 women and 6 men (The men are rarely in the office due to them delivering equipment or out seeing patients). The womans bathroom at the office is so disgusting! In the morning the bathroom wreaks because someone mustered up a turd on the way to work rather than do the deed at home and now everyone in the office is stuck smelling it and those automatic air fresheners don't work they just make the shit smell like pine or lemon or whatever flavor they're using this month. The worst is when you go in there and the other two stall are occupied so you're stuck going into the one where the door is mostly closed and you regretfully open the door and find the lid down too.... You grab for TP so you don't have to touch it with your bare fingers and when you do you see what the person before you ate for lunch that day because they weren't a courteous flusher and make sure everything made it's way down the hole. They just closed the lid flushed and made a mad dash out so no one knew it was them that left the nastiness and stank in there! ( I think I just vomited in mouth a little typing that)