OK, heres the deal, I have 300 eh, the original DVD release, some neighbor of ours was actually a fanatic enough to buy it. I want to, say, convert the whole movie, just from the beginning to the credits, non of the how its made nonsense, into the 700 MB .avi format, do I use Screener DVD?
What if I want to convert it back to .VOB so I can burn it to DVD because my moron step dad's DVD player is a million years old, not the new ones that support DivX, what software do the bastards use? You know, the gods like aXXo and the rest, how do they do it?
Oh, about HD, I didn't mean exactly HD, I meant the film is suitable for our widescreen TV of which I dislike so much, I prefer the letter-box version, which brings me to another thing, how many of you guys prefer widescreen to letter box?
I know widescreen has gained popularity because of it's capability of expanding it in size as big as you want it but the stretch of the picture just doesn't appeal to me.
Originally Posted by xepherys
a) 700MB will fit on a single CD
I came to notice while burning with the crappy conventional free software such as nero that a cd has 702MB's of space, to try and burn anything above 680MB is just wasting your CD's.