Originally Posted by Strange Famous
And Jack Johnson and Sugar Ray Robinson.
I have watched MMA fights, and to see a guy get put down, and then the opponent jumps down and kicks and punches the man that is down - is utterly appalling and against every instinct of fairness and decency. It truly disgusts me.
Even in a brawl in the street - it is out of bounds to strike a man that is down. In this so called "sport" it is the norm.
I don't think you've been in many street fights- i'm not saying that i have. Last i heard, though, there weren't any rules.
In any case, whenever i watch boxing i can't help but think, "Yeah, this guy could totally kick my ass, but he probably wouldn't last 30 seconds in a muy thai ring, much less a MMA competition." Or when i was taking jkd, "Yeah, that guy can punch, but how well would he do with a dislocated shoulder?"
I do have a george foreman grill and that things is awesome.