Fordyce Spots
Fordyce spots, named after dermatologist John A. Fordyce, are small, slightly elevated yellowish or white bumps that can appear on the head or the shaft of the penis. Though they are primarily noticed by guys on their penises, they do appear in the labia of females as well, and may even appear on the inner lips of either sex. These spots are variants of sebaceous glands, or sweat glands, without the usual hair protruding from them. They tend to appear more noticeably on the penis and in the labia because they are under very thin skin and are very close to the surface
These glands are perfectly normal, are not related to any disease (including sexually transmitted diseases), and are completely harmless. There is no treatment or cure for these outside of nitrogen or laser treatments that are only moderately effective if at all.
The most significant problem with these is the psychological impediment some people may have to them. This includes the owner of the penis (i.e., he may feel embarrassed or not be aware of their harmless nature), and potential sex partners. It is important to note that, since these glands are under the skin, they present no problem with emitting any contaminants (perspiration or otherwise).
I've been to an STI clinic, after having these as long as I can remember, and apparently they are "relatively" normal, as in not a disease and non-transmittable.
They look kinda like this(warning penis pic):
Now, I'm wondering, as apparently there's not much that can be done to remove them (except surgery, which is not recommended unless the condition seriously gets you down), whether they are regarded as "normal".
I've only had one sexual relationship, mainly due to them making me worried about getting into one for the reactions they may induce, and obviously being the girl's first bf, she didn't know either, although was reassured by the doctor's comments.
Anyway, have any guys got them also(according to some links 90% of guys have them, just not always on the penis), or have any of the ladies been in relationships with guys who had them, and are they as common as the net makes them sound?
Thanks a lot.