you may have a chemical imbalance or a hormone problem. usually people have feelings towards other people one way or another, you seem fairly apathetic though.
I agree on "it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" being shit.
once you love,and you lose it, it's like you have this hole inside you that needs fixing. Often times you seek this fix in other people, you may even delude yourself into thinking that they may be able to fix you. and so the cycle begins with people who use people and discard them.
it's like saying "it's better to have done crack cocaine and gone sober than to have never done crack cocaine at all"
shit can ruin you, it's an addictive emotion because it can feel so good, so safe, and so secure.
well, that and you may require a little confidence....
Last edited by Shauk; 10-07-2007 at 08:56 PM..