Ah that's why you're moving to Renton.
Yes, it sounds like she misses you but has those lingering issues. If she were totally into your relationship, she wouldn't be making out with him at all.
Sorry Shauk this sounds like bad news to me. You will have to deal with her issues for the first few months of your relationship. Hope you're not living together!!!!!
When getting back with an ex, you should establish your own life first (your new diet, your new job, your new apartment) and be happy with that - then see if you belong together. Esp. cuz you mentioned waffling about the decision to move to Renton... only get back with the ex when you are both 100% committed to starting again. Deal with your baggage first and start fresh.
<--- speaking from experience. I still live with him. We are still dealing with my issues!!!

I often wonder if we got back together too soon but what's done is done.