ok so if a member of tfp came on here, a female, and said..
"I miss my ex, but i'm afraid that if we get back together I will fuck it up somehow and lose him forever, right now, we still talk, we still spend time together but we're just like a couple who isn't intimate. Well last night, even though he's moving over here in 2 weeks, theres this guy at work who reminds me of my ex, a lot, we're probably good friends because of this, because one of my peeves is missing teeth and this guy doesn't have his, but he's nice to me. He keeps asking me out and I keep saying no, but we wound up hanging out together anyway one night, and we made out. What does this mean? I'm not attracted to him, he's just got a great personality"
how would you respond?
would it be any different than if I wrote
my ex just told me all of this last night.
honestly? to me, it makes perfect sense. She missed me, i'm over there in 2 weeks, she's terrified that she's going to fuck up with me, the real deal, so she lets some "replacement" try to fill in for me, but realizes that it just aint gonna happen.
She fessed up to kissy face.
now, aside from my personal situation/involvement in this. IS this a valid coping mechanism? Is this how some people cope with losing exes that they didn't want to?
the "real deal" is here
I just don't care enough to get upset over it I guess, cuz it makes sense to me. *shrug*
perhaps because i've done something similar in the past.
the timing kinda sucks but meh, I honestly don't believe she planned it, he's been hounding her for 3 months, i'm surprised at the same time though.