Originally Posted by fresnelly
I missed the Bionic Woman pilot but watched the second episode. Well, part of it anyways. I turned it off about halfway through because I was bored. I found the Normal Life soap vs. Crime fighter set-up tedious.
Journeyman looks OK and I have high hopes for it, but I worry that its Quantum Leap altruism will become to saccharine or formulatic. Doctor Who's over till next year so I have to get my time travel fix somewhere.
I agree Journeyman could be a good show. Still I can't shake my first thoughts: this is nothing but Quantum Leap with no Ziggy or Al - this going to end bad.
I actually enjoyed the Bionic Woman and I have pretty high hopes it'll do well. The same goes for Life. The premise is certainly odd and his detective style reminds me of Monk on USA, but it is different enough that I don't feel it's a rip-off.