A while back I think there was a similar discussion on Tilted, and im2smrt4u asked me if I would let him have sex with me while I was sleeping. I said sure, its not like I'd tell him no otherwise so I figured what could it hurt. So I gave him a "blanket okay". Well one night he woke up feeling frisky and decided to take advantage of my approval. I guess I started reacting in my sleep so he went to town and then realized I wasn't moving. He thought I wasn't enjoying it so he stopped. The funny thing was the sex didnt wake me up it was him stopping that woke me. So here I am waking to find him on top of me. I said "well hi! Do you need something?" and laughed. He was a little weirded out by the fact that I was asleep the whole time. I thought it was hilarious.
He frequently wakes me up with sex, or just rolls over and goes to town I sometimes wake up and other times I wake up just enough to figure out what the hell is going on and go back to sleep. I love sex but I really love sleeping, Im like a cat.