I think the fact of the matter that there isn't a dudes only place is the sexism inherent in the system, not just a predominance issue.
that being said.
1 Obesity. Seriously. I'm not shallow, I just can't understand the lack of self control and motivation to slip that far into the depths of unhealthy-itude. Seriously.
2 Extreme Jealousy. Just trust me god dammit. F'real.
3 Bad Hygiene. I mean, even if they don't shower for weeks, it might be ok. Its just relative to how absolutely horrible they smell and when.
4 Lack of Manners. Only the ones that get in the way of my pet peeves. For example... Extremely loud, greasy, repulsive chewing. Yuck.
5 Mood swings (to the extreme again). God Dammit! you were just happy 5 seconds ago! Why are you crying and hitting me?!!?
6 Feminism. I'm human, you're human, fuck what's under our bathing suits. (literally?)
7 Stupidity. I guarantee it, 90 percent of the abercrombie, american eagle wearin', mind-blowingly hot chicks out there are grade-A Nincompoops. Teen comedies and Girls Gone Wild prove it.
8 Overly Competitive. These girls just have to beat you at everything, but rarely do, and then your sex life with 'em suffers for weeks as a result (Even if you let 'em win, They Know Somehow! Dammit!). And when they do win fair and square, They rub it in your sportsmanship-filled face, and then your sex life with 'em suffers for weeks as a result.
9 Religious. I'm sorry, but, no.
10 Low self image. Trust me beautiful, You're Beautiful! You're Just saying that! (bathroom door slams... crying... phone call to sister (now shes mad at you)) dot dot dot.
[no end tag! hahahahah!!!!]
remeber that one time we partied all night?
me neither.