In no order:
1) Warm
2) Tactile – I like some who likes to be held.
3) Caring – Dislike people who think they are the centre of the universe
4) Smile – Someone who smiles a lot and has a nice smile.
5) Intelligent – Not a member of Mensa but just someone who can hold a good conservation about the things they care about.
6) Non-smoker – I’m not bother about looks, money or any crap like that. But just don’t like the smell and can’t stand to kiss someone who has smoked.
7) Relaxing – Just someone I feel I can relax with, and I don’t feel I have to fill every gap with conversation
8) Independent – Someone who does not mind doing things on their own, and has their own interests and hobbies which I do not have to take part unless I want to.
9) Forgiving – Probably a bit much to ask for, but someone who does not remind me of something I have done wrong x months ago during a argument.
10) Loyalty –Very important. I have never cheated on anyone, and being cheated on is not something I can forgive.