Originally Posted by Midnight
Every time my grandfather sees me, he says "Well waddaya know kid?". This almost always catches me off guard and I'll say something like "I dunno Papa." or "Not much Papa." and he looks disgusted and will say "Well waddaya get outta bed for? - Go learn. something!"
It made me insane as a kid. I'd go running off to my grandmother's library and start yanking books off the shelves and furiously trying to find something interesting to memorize. It never failed tho - 5 minutes after I went running to him to say "Guess what I learned Papa....." he would ask me again. "Well waddaya know kid?" and i would repeat proudly what I had memorized, and he would say "You still thinking about that? Go learn something NEW!"
Made for interesting summers. I spent mine in my grandmother's library, my sister would only get asked what she knew once and would play outside all day to avoid Papa and that question. He still does it to me today, but I'm a little better prepared when he asks. lol
I totally for got about this thread and wish I had gotten back sooner.
You all have some interesting and funny or insightful family members.
Midnight, your grandfather gave you a great gift as a kid, we all need to keep learning every day even if it's trivial, never think you know enough, that leads to narrow mindedness!
Another thing my grandmother used to say,
"Be good and you'll be happy" and she would give a big smile and a chuckle!
We are having a family reunion next 4th of July and we are having tee shirts made up with that saying on it.