What separates a "good" parent from a "bad" one? Leave out the obvious criminals, and I think that the two are closer than most of us may think. All parents can do is try to impart their wisdom and hope that the kids make good decisions. Perhaps (but maybe not) we can teach kids to make those good decisions.
I don't buy that.
This thread is full of folks who defy the logic that "bad" parents raise "bad" kids. A kids who posts naked pictures of themselves online is the product of "bad" parents? No way. It's a kid that made a bad decision. How many of us made bad decisions when were we kids? Anyone that doesn't that in the affirmative is a liar - there's no other word for it. Hell, I still make bad decisions.
Analog, I just can't accept your argument at all. Parents can only be responsible for so much. I also can't accept that you can find fault with a parent for something done without their knowledge. Sure some parents don't peer over their kids' shoulders every second of the day, but I'll bet that you can critisize helicopter parents too. You're not "calling out" anything; you're trying to make some obscure point that, as both a parent and a reader of this thread, seems to have no actual impact on real life.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo