Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I'm just gonna' go out on a limb here and guess someone called you a bad parent?
While I can see where you may arrive at that conclusion, I'd say...not necesarily.
It's very easy, and a bit of a cop out, when society sees someone acting outside the bounds of acceptable behavior, to ask; "Where were the parents?". And, while parenting
is a 24/7 job, it's not reasonable, or realistic, to expect a parent to "know", or to be able to control, every little nuance of his/her child's life.
And, although there
are noteworthy exceptions,
most parents are trying to do the best job that they can, with the tools that they are given.
It also is extremely frustrating to hear these criticisms from non-parents, that really have no experience, or a clue.
(edit) Except for these assholes that allow thier children to run wild in Applebees, and excuse the behavior as; "They're just being children.". There is a special circle in Dante's Hell for these people.