Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike
3rd one is off a bit. not a great shot.
2nd one is the worst because it looks like a floating bike.
1st is awesome except that you used a filter when it wasn't needed. or it looks like you did and that to me, makes the picture look low rez and unfinished. bring it back to full rez without anything to it, and then you'll have something! 
Interesting takes-I thought the covered bridge one was off because the bike looks like it's leaning and the snow one, the front wheel looks like it's not on the pavement right, but the shadow works...
If i only used the original photos, then it'd look like a bike drawing stuck on a photo; my attempts were to blend it all like one piece. If I had the time, it'd actually be best to draw the backgrounds in Illustrator like I did the bike.
Maybe flattening the bottoms of the tires just a little bit might make it seem less like it's in the air?
They do print better than they appear, looking more blended but it's that appearance of it not being set down that I have to work on.