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Old 09-17-2007, 03:26 PM   #23 (permalink)
Eccentric insomniac
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Location: North Carolina
Basically what the contract says is that you have to serve 8 years total. You are active for however long you agree (the army has terms for as short as a year now) and then you go into the INACTIVE reserve for the remainder of your 8 years. This is not the same as the army reserves. Basically it means that until her 8 years are up, she can get called back into the navy in the event of a big war, etc.

I know that the army often gets stop lossed, until the end of a deployment, etc. but I haven't heard anything about this happenning to the navy. Perhaps some seamen can shed some light on the issue.

Oh, and re the sexual assault: I don't doubt that it happens, as it does in all careers, but the military takes that sort of thing very seriously and while I would worry about voluntary indescretions, I don't think she has to worry about getting raped.
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