Ok I'll be the first woman to reply. I'm not sure why, because I don't do it. But I have seen men/women I know lead others on. Some of the reasons seem to be, from what I've personally seen:
to see what her options are, if she is considering ending her current relationship.
to see what her options are, if she is considering cheating on her SO.
to see if she can do it (self esteem reasons).
to see if she can do it (manipulative game/power play/boredom).
revenge because of something a man did to her.
trying to dip a toe into the dating world again, then getting cold feet.
intending to use that person for a one night stand, then changing mind (guilt trip)
In my late twenties I was at a male friend's house when he was talking to his Roommate. I'll call them creep and roomie. Roomie had just dumped his girlfriend because he wanted to get back together with his wife. But, he wanted to remain friends with the girlfriend he had just dumped. Creep told Roomie that he could not have contact with the newly ex-gf, because this girl could not be just friends with him. Not long after, I heard Creep on the phone with Roomie's ex-gf, encouraging her to fight for her man!
Telling person A to cut off person B, then tell person B to fight for person A? Now, is that a game player, or what? I never asked him; I left. I wasn't friends with Creep after that. I like to keep better company.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe