I hate the police
I really really hate evyer single one of them. I think they are just out to screw people over. Lets start at the beggining.
THe police had a picture of my brother rioting. They asked him to come down and give a statement so they could find those "responsible for casuing the damage". They publically said that a majority of the damge was caused by a handful of people, and those people will pay. My brother did $0.00 worth of damage. He was just there with 5000+ other people. Either way they had his stateent that he was present and didnt do any damage. Two weeks later he was arrested because "We need to show that it doesnt matter how much damage you cause at a riot, you can still get in trouble." They were all (14 people arrested) then told that they were going to be scapegoats. It took us 2 lawyers, and he ended up with 330 hours of community service and 1 year probation. The community service had to be done from 8pm to 8am at a homeless shelter. All in all they lied to him to get a statement then used his statment against him.
That is the brief version, I could go on for pages about evey other thing the cops did wrong, but I need to move on.
My brothers 21 birthday. He was drunk at the bars, I was with him. Eventually a few of his friends took him home and put him to bed. 30 mins later I left with some of my friends to check on him (he lives about 2 blocks away, so we were walking). About 1/2 way there he comes jogging down the road towards us, runs over, and sits on a car hood (92 honda accord) denting it, but causing no real damage. This was outside a fraterinity, so about 30 people got all gay up in our face, and this girl I was with was screaming at them, My brother then ran off, she was still screaming so I couldnt leave, then the cops showed up. I was quiet. I made up a story about me just walking down the street when someone I knew from class ran over and sat on the car then took off. They found out from someone else that he was my brother. She (the cop) called me a liar, said I was providing false information, obstructing an investigation, and being uncooperative. She then arrested me for public intox. And I still never told them where my brother was or where he lived. They had his old address on their computers, so they never found him. So all in all I got arrested for not ratting out my brother at the drop of a hat. At the station I blew a 0.09, if anyone is interested. She spent 2 weeks looking for my brother, even called our house and talked to my parents. Eventually she called him and he arranged to come in and give a statement, he told her that he was coming with a lawyer, she said "bring it on". The lawyer said he advises his clients to "NEVER GIVE STATEMENTS TO THE POLICE" (very important advice for everyone). So my brother just never showed up at the police station when he was supposed to. She (the cop) called our house and got in a fight on the phone with my dad, and that was the last we heard. I had a court apperance today, but my lawyer when instead of me, and I havent heard what happened yet.
ADvice: Never talk to cops.
Riddle?: What comes first? the cop or the asshole.
Do assholes become cops, or does the cop job turn normal people into assholes?