(did four years in the Army, '03-'07)
Yeah, finish your god-damn school before I come choke the crap out of you for being a... ... weenie-face. AND HERE'S WHY:
I did FOUR years so I could PAY for college because I didn't have much hope of scholarships and was essentially broke. You have a 100% free ride, right? Are you on drugs thinking about joining the military with your friends? If so... stop the drugs... and finish your education! This is the ONLY right thing to do.
If you REALLY wanna join the military with your friends, do it AFTER you have your degree.
'Sides... enlisting these days is pretty much two free trips to the desert punctuated by 6-12 months back at home dealing with pre-deployment crap.
Getting buff? Pfft, son... its the Air Force! Those pussies won't get you in shape.