Air force I would think would be one of your safer branches as at this point there seem to be more ground troops being deployed than there are air strikes.
You can utilize your GI money in addition to the scholarships or before or after them, so you'd be a nice bit better off in that area. I don't know that there is any chance of you being with your buddies during basic or further on, so keep in mind you may well enlist then find yourself alone without your buddies. You can also check with SFU, many unis offer online study, and you MAY be able to complete a part of your studies from on base even before you get out. You could also work part time for something like your local airport with the TSA or with your local post office when you get out in addition to school and or another job you might have, and be working towards a government pension you would be getting in addition to SSI when you get there later on in life which your military time counts toward... There are a hell of a lot of pros to going now.. As well as cons. I look forward to seeing what are military/former military have to say about this.