As some of you know, I I'm not a fan of the Iraq/ensuing Iran war, but two of my best friends are - these are high school friends who were with me from the beginning, even when I had no one else. They helped me break through my shell, and have always supported me, and they are both enlisting in the US Air Force - actually, one of them enlisted a while ago and the other one will join in February - they want me to go along so we can be the gang we've always been, and until they brought it up I had never considered it.
So now here's my situation: I'm a University student - much more than 100% of my tuition and more than half of my living expenses are paid for through scholarships - in other words, I have free future, and am not in need of the financial support which enlisting will grant me. I've tried weighing the good and the bad and have come to a balance of pros and cons, so I need some advice. And so I present my problem to the only internet forum which I hold enough respect for to really take provided advice to heart

. Here's my list:
The pros of enlisting:
- I get to be with my best friends
- I get beat back into shape (ladies appreciate a healthy lookin' body, right?
- I get all my living expenses paid for - food, board and cloths are provided to me, so I don't have to worry about rent, expenses, etc.
- I get free college credits, though they aren't in my preferred major.
- The Air Force will pay my tuition after Technical Training School, so I can get that Biology degree I so much crave - though I will have to wait longer
- Businesses love to see military experience on resumes, so I get a leg up for the future
- I get to try something new, as my life at the moment is less than exciting
- I get to keep an eye out for my friends, since we will all get deployed together
The cons of enlisting:
- I leave my family, as the base we're all going to is in North Dakota, and my family lives in Florida.
- I lose my very comforting scholarships, though I can more likely than not get some of them back as a transfer student
- I leave my music/books/computer behind during boot camp
- I can't participate in Tilted Politics any more

- I lose the security/assurance I have here
- I aid Bush & Co. in their quest for world domination

- There aren't as many hot Cuban girls in the military in North Dakota as there are in a South Florida university.

Despite my exuberant use of emoticons above, I'm really torn and serious here, as my future will really be significantly changed by this choice - I'll appreciate any advice you guys have to give me, and especially any posts from previous or current Air Force recruits regarding your experiences, regrets, advice, etc.. Thanks to all.