Thanks for all the replies and advice.
Re: Ignoring her and not paying enough attention - I work 50 - 60 hours a week, have housemates that are completely mental and have a lot of other shit going on in my life. Yeah I completely took my eye off the ball with her didn't think that would mean should would run away with another guy but that's life ;-)
Re: IM's and text messages - I totally agree. Believe me when I say that between 23 and 20 there is a large generation gap in terms of the use of technology. I grew up with the internet as new and largely empty compared to what it is now, she grew up with mobile phones and the internet being the norm. I definitely tried to call her more than text her but you have to approach these girls on their level.
I am definitely not talking to her but this one is going to be difficult to walk away from because it really was so right. I wish we had had a screaming match argument or something, we virtually had no disagreements.
I was stressing a lot about a lesson but I think in a weird way its hit me subconsciously. I find already I'm attracted to older more assertive women - women who know what they want. I'm cautiously optimistic and if you don't mind I'll keep y'all updated.
I will certainly be trying again but I'm going to spend the next few months keeping it about reclaiming my life :-)