Originally Posted by Kabsnow
I'm only 19 but I can offer a tidbit of experience: Text messaging on the surface appears great, but its lack of emotion and ease-of-use makes it a deadly weapon, avoid it at all costs. Sure its great for flirting & other harmless conversation, but as soon as something gets serious, do not use the internet/chatting as a medium. At the very least call her/him. I have seen far too many people, including myself, enter a world of confusion and hurt because of text messaging. I no longer have text messaging enabled on my phone simply because I don't ever want to deal with it again.
Text messaging, and as JinnKai suggested, IMng, do not take the place of actual communication, as much as we would like to think they do. I find a lot of people fool themselves into thinking that just because they sent a text to their SO or IMd a bit that they "talked" sufficiently with their partner. That's an absolute falsehood. Texting and IMng are best used for making plans, not conveying actual feelings or emotional truths. Unless you're in a long-distance relationship, there is NO REASON to rely on texting/IMs to communicate. None at all. You should be giving your SO face time--and that works both ways.
Take that as an important lesson learned for your next relationship.