Originally Posted by pig
yep...the only lesson i can really see here mech is that you gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette. by which i mean that these situations happen to all of us. some relationships only have a finite shelf life, and then they're done. maybe down the road you two run into each other and have great sex in a seedy motel talking about the good old days...but for now this one is busted. doesn't mean you can't be friends with her...as jess says - trust your gut. follow your nose...it always knows.
This one is busted.
Relationships take work and Brad was more into her than you, or had more opportunity than you, so he out manouvred you, dorky or not. She likes the attention that he is giving her and she picked him over you.
At this point, no amount of work on your part will make any difference. It will only serve to make her respect you even less. This isn't hollywood - there's not going to be any "boy gets girl back" scenario.
Best advice would be to move on and find a new GF. Prove to her that you are a desireable man to other woman.
No more "text messaging" (I feel so old), or facebook (even older), or phone calls or sex.
She's only 20, you're only 23 (I'm jealous). Odds are that she is just going to end up in the ship that passed in the night file.