Jeez, it seems like there's a whole bunch of this kind of thread lately.....
SOP in this situation....
1) Walk away. Don't talk to her, don't visit her, don't look forlornly at her from afar. Just let it go. And yes, this means ignoring her if she calls you.
2) Take up new hobbies/interests. Exactly what it says. Find something else to fill up your time.
3) Forget about girl. Each morning, remind yourself that you got by without her the day before and that today, you will get by even better. This isn't to say that you shouldn't reflect on the relationship, but realize that it is better for you to be alone than to be subject to that kind of bullshit.
4) Armed with new perspective and insight, don't be afraid to try again. (With a different woman that is....)
Good luck man!
"No laws, no matter how rigidly enforced, can protect a person from their own stupidity." -Me-
"Some people are like Slinkies..... They are not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -Unknown-
DAMMIT! -Jack Bauer-
Last edited by Push-Pull; 09-09-2007 at 06:51 AM..