I tell you man this summer its as if me and everyone i know went through the same shit you've had to deal with. I can tell you mate, I know what its like and to all those people who tell you to just move on and get over it, they can get bent cause its not that easy.
Listen, tecoyah has it right, learn from this one and try to move on. But if I can share with you what I share with everybody in this situation. You need to reevaluate the way you approach relationships. Most people experience moments of bliss and peace in relationships, and they get addicted, its like a mild anesthetic for your mind. You get a chance to forget all your problems and from there on out you spend the rest of the time with your partner trying to get back to that time when it just didnt hurt anymore. When things end up not working the way you desire, you break down and act out hoping your partner will behave. But its just not going to work, it never does. The fact that you're on this forum asking for advice tells me that you're more conscious than this girl. So be the bigger person, forgive her for being so immature and work on finding inner peace, peace that doesn't require someone else for it to be achieved. Then once you no longer need anyone else, move on and find someone who can appreciate you for who you are.
I know so many good guys who have just been tossed to the side by these ridiculous girls who think they can get whatever they need from them and then go off and fuck whoever should give them the slightest bit of attention.
Ladies please for the love of god appreciate the good ones, when they get fucked over like this they dont always recover...
Le Berger, Le Mouton, Ce qui vous mangerait? Je ne sais pas. -let it all drop cause fuck it I guess we lost-
Originally Posted by tecoyah
...or I could just be drunk...cause I am.
<Danao>I am french so excuse my langage..
<Krost> ^^
<Krost> I'm American so excuse my president.