Originally Posted by willravel
That adds a whole different dimension to this situation. She got drunk (this is a personal warning sign for me, but your call), then asked you out. Could have been a result of the inebriation. Since there's no way to prove otherwise, one should assume she's innocent. If you're like me and base your own personal philosophy on the justice system's old motto: innocent until proven guilty.
If she's willing yo date you, and only you, then you've got a shot. I suppose. I mean the fact that when she gets drunk she asks people out is troubling. When I get drunk I have an urge to listen to music. I suppose everyone experiences it differently.
The other reason I didn't even mention the drinking is because of how she treated me the week up to that. She was asking me to call her every day, she would eat dinner with me and talk like we're on a date... it was totally leading me on. So, it was not an isolated incident when she was drunk. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt because she's been honest with me the whole time. And, it's not like she's going out with someone she met after me. She was interested in this guy from the beginning.
I am certainly upset with her, and I think it'll be better if I let off a little bit and let her come to me. It hurts so badly... I can't get her off my mind. I still can't pinpoint why I like this girl more than anyone else.
Part of me wants to try as hard as I can to show her I'm the kind of guy she wants. Just give it a shot to prove to her how much we have in common before she gets even more serious with this guy. Aside from the immaturity regarding relationships, she is a great person, and it's one of the first times I'm not basing my attraction on sexuality / physical appearance. But, I guess if I attempt to do this, I have to go in knowing I can and quite possibly will get hurt. But, at this point, I already feel weird around her. ugh.