I respect and appreciate all of the quick answers. It is interesting to hear all of you come up with the same response.
I have high self esteem, and I have been making female friends left and right this semester. So, it's not like I'm clinging to the one girl who'll talk to me, ya know. With that out of the way, I'm starting to wonder why I like her at all. The funny thing is, she's ok as a friend, but she's not nearly as fun to be around when she's treating me like one, ya know? It's not as fun for me, but I think that's partly because I'm so uncomfortable. I'm afraid of what I'll say around her cause I'm trying to make a good impression. I don't want to give her more reason to take him over me.
I still want my chance to go out with her because I enjoyed the time with her. And, there is no avoiding this girl since we see eachother every day. If she wasn't someone I'd have to see every day, there would be no problem! I would simply say "screw you" and never talk to her again. It's simply a case where I need to either make myself hate her and avoid her (which is next to impossible), or I try and continue the pursuit. Being just a friend is not fun at all right now.
I don't get the girl at all. See, we are RAs at a college, and one of her residents comes and tells me everything she says about me. Apparently, the girl will talk about the nice things the guy she's interested in says, but then she'll turn the subject to me. When we talk online, she will say things that are simply not friend level. The other day, after the letter confrontation, she mentioned how she always stays up late on AIM, waiting for me to go to bed first. Why the hell would a girl say stuff like that to a friend, ESPECIALLY someone who you just screwed over and had to apologize to. And then today, she asked to go eat with me alone. It definitely felt platonic today, but I don't know what is wrong with her. Even the resident who talks to me thinks she's crazy.
I think my best bet is to stop contacting her. Let her come to me, I guess. But now I'm going to church with her tomorrow. *sigh*
It really sucks, guys. Why can't I like the other girls I talk to? I feel like I can trust this girl on a certain level of intimacy. Like, we talk about everything, stuff you wouldn't really mention to friends. At least, I've never talked about the stuff we discuss to a female friend. I enjoy doing stuff with her when it's not weird, I don't know. But, these are not the reasons I dislike the other girls. The other ones are nice to talk to, but I don't feel anything toward them. I guess I really am wasting my time. It sucks, though.
EDIT: I'll give her this. We've only known eachother for about 2 months. She had known the other guy for a lot longer, so she didn't know enough about me, at least compared to what she knows about him. That's why part of me wants to keep selling myself, to show her who I am. I do feel like we have some good things in common that she doesn't know about. Part of me thinks if she sees these commonalities, she'll start to move away from the other guy and towards me.