I think she's just being immature right now. She doesn't know what she wants. She was happy with you and when someone who had feelings for her and confessed those feelings for her came along she just went for it not taking your feelings into consideration. Being drunk is no excuse for anything. Your true colors shine when you're drunk and I think this is a good example of that. Although she probably used being drunk as an excuse, it just showed you how much she cares about you. Obviously she didn't really care because if she really loved you and/or cared about you she wouldn't have had sex with Brad. Thats just her age talking.
Of course she would feel used by you after you guys had sex. She was already checked out of the relationship. What else would happen when she doesn't have feelings for you anymore? She just feels like you're using her for sex, which doesn't make sense because if you were using her it would be YOU that didn't care about her and her that cared about you. She puts the burden on you for having sex with her when she was being emotional that way she can justify the sex.
I guarantee you that after Brad confessed his feelings for her that she was having second thoughts about your relationship. She was probably thinking "Well, WHAT IF he's better than my boyfriend? I wonder what its like to be with him." Those are the only things I can think of that she would be thinking.
When she tells you that she "thinks" she loves Brad, she really doesn't and I can guarantee that. Shes just infatuated with him just like he was with her. She probably just wants to test the waters with him. However, this is important, if she ends up not wanting to be with Brad and comes crawling back to be with you you need to say no. If you get back together she'll just do the same thing and you'll always be there to take her back because you really love her. Bullshit. There are plenty of fish in the sea to get all riled up over one. If she comes crawling back just kick her to the curb.
My advice to you would be to stay away from the younger girls because they seem immature. I'm not saying stay away from ALL young girls because there are always exceptions to the rules. However, but be weary when you get involved with a younger girl that this might happen to you again. Don't even pay attention to her writing on your Facebook and poking you. Just ignore it. It's the best thing you can do. You guys had a good time together and now its time to move on. She obviously wasn't the one for you so now its time for you to upgrade and move on to something bigger and better. You'll find what you're looking for out there. There are plenty of women. Go have fun.