I'm really proud of you for where you're looking, Skettios. You're really being the grown-up in this situation, taking responsibility for your part of it. That's a really great place to start.
The thing to know is, her baggage WILL GET ON YOU. She will do absolutely everything she can to LITERALLY turn you into her father, and given time, she'll succeed at that. She's replaying the thing she hates the most (we all do that, by the way), and you're an unwitting pawn in her pathology. She's not a bad person for doing this. She's doing something that human beings do a lot of. That DOES NOT mean you have to agree to take part.
I suggest you quit cold turkey. Make sure she knows you're choosing this for the sanity of all parties involved, and that you think she's great and when both of you have yourselves straightened out, it'll be time to be friends again. Then be done with her, for the foreseable future.