Relationship Advice
Ok so its the same story you've heard over and over again. I started dating this girl over the summer and we got pretty close. She's got a lot of trust issues and couldn't ever get too close to me, but understanding that we were still able to have a half decent relationship. Well with the summer coming to a close, her working full time and me going back to college, it was fairly clear that this thing would have to end. I had hoped that we could just end it peacefully and walk away, but that never works. Sure enough she found enough of my flaws to focus on and we ended it with a pretty big fight.
Well thats all the normal story, but where my problem lies is in what has been happening since we broke up. A few days after the fight, I came back to her and tried to make friends. I suppose I did it cause I still had hope but in all honesty she's a good friend of mine and if we just hated each other from here on out it would be horrible. So we're best of friends now. I'm trying my best to get over the fact that we're not together anymore, something she seems to have had no problem with. It wouldnt be that big of an issue if we could spend some time apart and I could get back on my feet, but see almost all of her friends are at college and I'm the only person she can come to when she needs a break. Its just my personality to be inviting and welcome her to my place whenever she wants, but I know that she isnt coming to my place to visit me, more to hang out with my friends and have a place to party. Recently she's even been flirting with a good friend of mine quite a bit. Its obvious she likes him by the way she intensely listens to him and follows him around.
I want to be ok with this cause its not my place to have a say in what she does, but it drives me crazy. We only broke up a week ago and sure I was way more into her than she ever was to me, but I don't know how to go about getting over this. I can't tell her to not come around anymore, she wont take it well and we'll prolly end up having a fight and hating each other. If I don't do anything I'm never going to be able to get past this. Every time she goes after another guy i'll lose my shit.
At this point I wish we had never dated, it was a mess a lot of the time but for a while we were kind of close. I want to move on, find someone better and do exactly what you're supposed to do when you get out of a relationship. But now she's got noone else to hangout with, and I've got access to all the things she wants. I think I'm irrelevant in her eyes, just another person she can use who gives her things like a chump. Its just the alternative is a far worse extreme.
Sorry that was so long, anyone have any ideas?
Le Berger, Le Mouton, Ce qui vous mangerait? Je ne sais pas. -let it all drop cause fuck it I guess we lost-
Originally Posted by tecoyah
...or I could just be drunk...cause I am.
<Danao>I am french so excuse my langage..
<Krost> ^^
<Krost> I'm American so excuse my president.
Last edited by Ballzor; 09-01-2007 at 01:16 PM..