City of Heroes is a really good casual game. It lacks the depth of WoW, but that's not particularly a bad thing, because it reduces the chances of you becoming completely obsessed and destroying your life over it.
This may sound random but I would also recommend Freelancer as a good LAN game to play with one or more other people. It's not really an RPG, but there are elements that are somewhat rpg-ish. You start out really weak with a little ship, and as you do missions and make money, you can upgrade to better ships and ship equipment. Experience points are basically replaced with money. It's a fun LAN game because you can team up with your buddies and do missions together, and there's no lag because it's on a LAN. It's kind of fun over the internet too, but the lag usually messes with me and gets me really frustrated. It's a really low requirement game, a few years old, but it's still one of the best space flight action/trading games out there, and one of few recent ones that actually support multiplayer.