No suggestions yet, but a question to ask yourself. Why are you leaving retail?
*do you want to do something creative?
*do you want to do something with computers?
*are you tired of dealing with so many people?
*do you desire a bigger paycheck?
*do you want to do something that requires more brain power (not as boring)?
Your answers might help you get a better idea of which way you want to go before you start school. If you're tired of dealing with alot of people (or grumpy people), think twice before you persue the help desk idea. Not to say rule it out, but just think about it. Photography/graphics sound more creative than the others, if you are seeking an outlet. I'm not sure what voice over work is, but you can apply your answers to this option, as well.
Wish you well.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe