Not unlike a lil kid. (Continuing Ed. v. Another degree)
Lemme lay this out:
I want out of Retail after 18 years.
I have a BS in Communications garnered before the retail treadmill
(The bills needed to get paid, and I have had a stunning lack of confidence in myself.)
I have id'ed two or three possible paths out of the cash register culture to a new path of employ more suited to my talents and temperament.
-computer service tech (help desk/IT support)
-perhaps something to do with photography/graphics
a third (which somewhat ties to the original degree)
-voice over work
and the reality that this is going to be a lil while before I cut the cords of retail completely (unless i say i have had enough and quit, a possibility)
now the ?'s:
At this point on my journey, start small with community ed (no degree requirement) for this semester?
Or go (at my own pace) transfer credits from the BS and head for another degree a class or two a semester.
I am planning at picking this up thru the local community college (tho in some cases a technical school is a possibility), and even in some cases the local school system does offer some continuing ed classes.
Any suggestions?
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin
I Wish You Well.