Originally Posted by abaya
Are you going to see him at all during those 4 months? Any visits in between?
To be a bit more thorough we will be doing visits...but probably once a month.
He is in Houston while I'm in Lubbock. Its about 600 miles apart, no fun at all. Driving is a lot of time, there and back is probably 17-18 hours total of driving for only like 2 days, so its hard for my to justify it unless its a special special circumstance.
Our 1 year anniversary is coming up, so we're planning on a visit for that.
Otherwise future visits are still to be planned.
Fortunately I have Fridays off of class and he has every other Friday off, so we're hoping to be able to figure out visiting dates once classes have started and I get my work schedule.
I think that my body has been going numb so I do not repeat what happened in the summer.
When we both parted for 7 weeks, I remember just not being able to sleep...I cried all the time, I went through depression, and a lot of other problems contributed by that fact that we were 2 hours apart time wise and talking on the phone even became a chore bc he wanted to wait till his minutes were free at 9 while that was 11 for me...but then I had to get up at 7 each morning and be at work by 8...you all know what I mean.
We're planning on doing some more pictures for one another, and I'm trying to keep myself busy by picking up shifts at work.
Classes start Monday...blah.