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Old 08-23-2007, 08:47 AM   #10 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
While that's fun to say, and I certainly don't disagree, I'm curious as to your reasoning. Exactly how has this administration, corrupt and as inept as it is, done more damage to this country than any group of terrorists could hope to?
I view they have done more damage than any group of terrorists by failing to uphold their oath the the constitution. The constitution was the foundation of this nation. This nation was created for the people by the people. With this administration the people now come last. The people were always supposed to be the ultimate catch all for accountability. This is why bill of rights contains the freedom of the press. The founding fathers wanted to ensure that there was always a free flow of information so that the people could hold their officals accountable. Now this administration is ignoring all laws and tradition and saying you can't have any information on us because we are accountable to no one. Add in the politicization of the justice department. No longer is justice about the rules of law instead it is now about the rules of the party. This is the foundation of turning this country into a police state.

In addition, the Bush administration has repeatedly miss stepped in it's appointments. It has bypassed congressional authority and made recess appointments many of which have had dire consequences. For example Richard Stickler. Since he took office as the director of mine saftey the number of mining accidents has risen for the first time in 100 years! Congress (both Republicans and Democrats) opposed his nomination because he had a horrible track record on mine safety. About 6 weeks ago Stickler approved recess mining for the mine in Crandel Canyon despite concerns from many people within the mining community. 3 weeks later we saw what happened. Now we have miners who will be entombed in the mountain because of his decision to put profits over safety... that doesn't sound like a good director of mine safety. This is just one example of recess appointments that have caused trouble. There is a reason congress is supposed to confirm people. The legacy that Bush leaves behind is Cronyism and Politics.

Bush once claimed he was a uniter and not a divider.... which do you think he is? This country is so polarized right now that people are unable to have intellegable discussions about politics without being insulted, called a traitor, or called a terrorist sympathizer. The founding fathers wanted people to be able to freely discuss there positions but that is not possible today. If one says we should get out of Iraq they are insulted with comments like you want to cut and run. This is NOT good for America.

This country has gone to hell under this administration through it's abuse of power, ineptness, and unwillingness to consider others opinions.... This administration released a hand book in 2002 about how to keep protesters out of the site of the president and the media. It contained advice like arrest them and drop the charges later. What ever happened to free speech?

In addition there have been record deficits which will come back and destroy this nation in the future. Bush has effectively doubled the national debt since he took office. You do not need to be a financial expert to know that it is a bad idea to keep borrowing over and over. We see a major problem. Couple this with the fact that most of it is owned by China a country that isn't very friendly to it's people or the rest of the world. We are forever in their debt now and this is a very dangerous spot to be in.

I could continue this rant for ever and I apologize for how it jumped around but I have a firehose of reasons and only a short time to post this. But on a final note I want to note that more lives and money has been lost in Iraq then from the attacks on 9/11. In addition, because we miss used our sympathy from the world following 9/11 to fight a war against Iraq for illegitimate reasons the world has turned against us and the terrorists are able to more easily recruit people than ever. Bush has single handedly weakened America while at the same time bolstering the terrorists.
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