Originally Posted by Panopticon
I just got out of a long term relationship about three months back and am back "on the market" for the first time in about 3 years. I like the bar scene - hanging out with the guys, meeting tons of new girls, etc...it is really a new experience since I was dating my previous girlfriend since before I was 21.
The problem is...I haven't been laid in forever. I don't have any problem meeting girls, talking with girls, etc. That isn't a problem. The problem is closing the deal. At the end of the night, I say I am leaving, then say, "see you around" or whatever. That is it. I leave and sleep alone.
I'd feel like such a creep asking a girl point blank if she wants to go back to my apartment and fuck. Even asking if she just wants to go back to my place and hang out...it just seems difficult for me to say to somebody.
Anybody with any tips? Again, picking up girls in bars is new to me and I really don't want any type of relationship right now. Still, I'd like to hook up with a girl every once and a while.
Hmm... Well I've never had a girlfriend before and I'm 25, but I've always imagined that having one would make a person more comfortable around women, during or after the relationship. My theory was: if you could win someone over the first time, the same formula is bound to work a second time, and I'm not talking about one-night stands necessarily, but just attracting or appealing to a girl.
Anyway since the Trojan commercials portray a guy going into the men's room and using the vending machine to get a condom, it looks to me that the bar/club scene is meant specifically for that, and the women there are bound to know that...