I see. This, I did not know. I've had the router for a year or so now, so I don't know what is new since then.
I did find some stuff on WRTrouters.com that I am going to try. We'll see how it goes. If I can get more power out of it, and I'll get those antenna, too, then maybe I won't have to worry about much. Though, the machine in the garage won't take a wireless NIC, I don't think. An IBM PC300GL with a Pentium MMX 166 with a 2.4GB HDD, 80MB RAM, and XP Pro...
EDIT 1: Tried it...fried it.
EDIT 2: Where are you finding the Buffalo WHR-G54S at? Newegg carries them, but is out of stock. Mwave and Tiger don't carry them. I can't believe I bricked a router. That sucks.