Submit to me, you know you want to
I think Eddie Izzard sums it up nicely for me. I'd much prefer to hear British or Scottish people talk than americans lol I rather like their word pronuciations over ours. I could say aluminum the way the Brits do....the way Americans do it wont come out of my mouth right
What? Now, um, I just want to talk quickly about language and then we can all… Cause yeah, language. They do say that Britain and America are two countries separated by the Atlantic Ocean. And uh, and it’s true. No, they – they – say two languages separated by – two countries separated b – by common language, that’s the line. I think it’s an Oscar Wilde line, I think.
And we do pronounce things in a different way! Like you say ‘caterpillar’ and we say ‘caterpillar.’ And, uh… No, you say ‘a-*loo*-min-um,’ we say ‘a-loo-*min*-yum. You say ‘cen-*tri*-fugal,’ we say ‘centri-*fu*-gal.” You say ‘leisure!’ We say ‘lie-sur-eye-ay.’ Uhh, uh, you say ‘bay-sil’, we say ‘bah-sil,’ and you say ‘erbs,’ and we say ‘herbs!’…because there’s a fucking ‘h’ in it.
But you spell ‘through’ ‘T-H-R-U,’ and I’m with you on that. Cause we spell it ‘thruff!’ And that’s trying to cheat at Scrabble. “How can we get that “ooo” sound?” “Well, a ‘U’ will work.” “What about an ‘O’ as well?” “No, we don’t need it, we’re fine.” “No, I think an ‘O’ in.” “Well, all right.” “And a ‘G’ as well.” “What?” “Yes, a ‘G’ would be good.” “…‘guh’ sound?” “Yes, we need a – a silent ‘guh,’ just in the background, in case of any accidents or something.” “Well, all right.” “And an ‘H’ as well!” “Fuckinell, ‘ang on!” “An ‘H!’ In case some herbs come along!” “All right.” “And a ‘Q,’ and a ‘P,’ and a ‘zed.’ Look! It’s a word in Scrabble that’s 480 points!” So yes. And uh…w – we do have s – you know, s – slight differences in that arena.
But, uh, in Europe we have 200 languages. Two hundred languages! Just count them! I know you won’t! But, uh… But a total – l – languages. And future generations of Europeans, I’m sorry Europeans, but we’re going to have to be bilingual. We are going to have to be, and English speakers hate this. “Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed! Good Lord, man! You’re asking the impossible!” “But the Dutch speak four languages and smoke marijuana!” “Yes, but they’re cheating! Everyone knows marijuana is a drug enhancement, that can help you on track in field, to come – last in a team – of eight million…eight million other runners who are all dead.”
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!