Originally Posted by Merlocke
Not to complicate this thread even further, but when you're with your significant other, no matter how bad your day has been, do you at least try your best to be pleasant, and not grumpy to the point where you dampen and sour your partner's mood as well? I don't mean keep it all inside, but I mean, don't just unleash and beat up your partner for things that frustrate you that have nothing to do with them.
I cant speak to the jealousy bit, because I've never been that way and if I encountered a potential partner that was that way it didnt go anywhere because I dont deal with that kind of insecurity (which is what I see that it is), so I will speak to the bad mood thing. I am of the opinion that if you cant be in a bad mood around your partner because of a bad day, and you have to be pleasant around them no matter what....what good are they? Thats one of the reasons they are there. As long as you're not beating the shit out of them because your mad....why should you have to "put on a face"? They are your significant other for a reason....and if you're married, you've promised to stand by them in good times and bad....that goes for moods too