I want you to read what you posted and think what you would tell a friend who was in your situation.
Being in a relationship involves sharing your life with someone, you have to think not only of what will make you happy but what will make your partner happy. You can't decide you're in a relationship at this location and not when you step out the door.
At the moment you're investing yourself in this relationship and as much as you believe he is to I don't see it. What I see is the fact that because a few of his friends got upset he has shoved you back in the closet as though he's done something wrong and they have the right to punish him about it. I don't see him giving you any support in this situation and really don't think he's valuing you as a potential / current partner.
If I was you I would do exactly what you suggested
So do I speak with him honestly and say how I feel and say that I'd like to be a true couple in every sense of the word but that I can't remain as we are any longer, and until he and his friends can work out this situation, then I'm going to have to step back from this relationship? Because the more and more time I spend with him, the more I fall for him and if things don't change, I feel as though I'm just setting myself up for heartbreak....