Originally Posted by pig
personally, i'd just go play soccer and be friendly. certainly don't ignore the girl you asked to come...you know she's cute and you like her personality. be friendly with the chick your buddy is bringing, and as jazz points out - be careful that he's not interested in her, etc. this is so much easier said from the vantage point of being a good bit out of college - but don't overthink it and don't worry too much. between non-verbal cues and pheromones and eye contact...don't worry.
Likely...this is the best advice you will get. Over thinking the details of a yet to be relationship will force expectations that usually lead to disappointment, and disappointment leads to resentment and negativity. The number one thing a woman looks for (in my experience) in a man, is a confident air with a good level of communication. If however you primarily want sex from all this, Pick one, focus attention on her, and show her a great time. Sex is easy when it comes down to it, unless you are butt ugly, friendship takes alot more work.