kutulu, did you not read my previous posts about why it is better for my boyfriend to visit me? His relatives live very far from both our university cities. It is almost similar distance from his or my city, but both our university cities are close. When he comes, he will be with all his luggage to also return to his city. To explain more, regardless of a continued relationship or just friendship, I will help him to move to his new apartment.
And I have read some other general online advice about relationships too. They usually say "no communication", but I think it is different for us. It was no communication after past relationships but my boyfriend and I can talk more easily about feelings.
Now I think I want to be single for some time before anything else. Despite the compromise and what looks like a very good and harmonious relationship, there are some issues that are too personal and I never said in this thread. He is wise enough to know what we both did and thought wrongly, so we can talk about it maturely. But when we talked about it, we agree further compromise by action of these things is too difficult to repair.
He phoned me last night and we said some things about the relationship. It was clear communication and we know how our past actions affected how much. He said he will come visit me no matter what to see what. Of course, I know he prefers to keep the relationship but he is not too stupid to think physical contact can make drastic change long term but we both prefer to finalise decisions face to face.
For now, my goal is to be single or at the very least some time separation. I want to know in more detail what things I can truly compromise and what things I am intolerant. In the relationship with my boyfriend, that was very vague so it was difficult personally.
For my roommate, I still think about him but the priority for all of us for now is to make sure everything is stable emotionally. My responsibility is to think more while I am alone.