It would be easy for someone to tell you to "tell him everything." But would that be to punish you because they disagreed with your decision, or to make it easier on your boyfriend?
I would suggest thinking carefully about what you tell him, and what he needs to know. It sounds like he is aware of your differences/problems because you have 'worked hard to compromise' as you said. Be upfront about the fact that you want to see others when you break up. And be ready to answer questions. If he asks if there is someone else, and he probably will, you can tell the truth that there is someone you would like to, but that you haven't. Whether or not you tell him who it is, is up to you. But if the breakup is because it is a lost cause, be sure to stress that.
And before I get bashed that "he deserves to know everything," it is not going to make it easier for him to open with "there's someone else." I have been on the receiving end of "I've met someone else." I am not suggesting lying or hiding everything. I am suggesting being careful about what you say and how you say it. You know your situation better than we do.
About that roomie...beware of people who say you are their 'dream girl' because you don't mind picking up after them. Take it slow and make sure you aren't in 'rebound mode.' Because it almost sounds as if you were on the rebound before the breakup. And we women sometimes make stupid choices when on the rebound.
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"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez
I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe