Originally Posted by jorgelito
Try a university library.
What? Library? Books!? Yeah, should have thought of that, except the only university library I'm familiar with is at York University, which is out in the middle of nowhere as far as public transportation is concerned. Maybe I'll go one day in the next while.
A new one: Ideological State Apparatuses (Louis Althusser)
"What the bourgeoisie has installed as its number-one, i.e. as its dominant ideological State apparatus, is the educational apparatus, which has in fact replaced in its functions the previously dominant ideological State apparatus, the Church."
The apparatuses also include law, politics, trade unions, media and the family. Basically, we are all made subjects of the state through these mechanisms. These apparatuses are in place as a counterbalance to the repressive state apparatuses, which include the police and the military.
What, you thought you were "free"?