the MOST important thing about buying a bike is fit. if you are not going to race and just want a bike to ride for pleasure, brand's aren't really important. they are all about the same. the biggest concern is fit. if you get a 3,000 bike that doesn't fit, it's useless. go to a local bicycle shop, tell them you want a road bike for riding a few hours for pleasure, and they will help you. try different brands of bikes in your price range, they will be the same size, but the geometry may be a bit different. keep trying bikes until you get the bike that you are most comfortable on.
do not buy a bike from a place that is not a bike shop. bike shops build the bike correctly, when you buy from them they usually offer 1 year warranty or so, you meet the local bikers in your community, and they will help you when you need it. if you go to a bike shop and they are jerks, go to another one.
as for brands of bikes...trek, specialized, giant, cannondale, all offer decent entry level bikes that will last. todays bottom line bikes were the top of the line bikes 5 years ago. a decent entry level bike will run about US $800. if you go for a $1,000, you will have a bike that will last you the rest of your life, unless you start racing or doing super long tours, and even then it will last at least 10 years. that's $100 a year for fun and health.
good luck, let us know what you do. and keep asking questions if you have them.
onward to mayhem!