Before I say anything else, let me first say that I would love to see this and think it's a hilariously awesome way to update the "interactive movie" with a new cult classic event. I will have to see about getting my fiance to come with me when it's in SF.
Having said that, the best part about the second video is the part where the girl says "It's like Rocky Horror except that instead of making fun of it, we appreciate it." First of all, based on the rest of the video clip, that's completely untrue. The "shut up Dawn" is straight off the cues from RHPS. Also, BTVS is nothing if not camp and is an amazingly self-conscious show. It's very self referential and cognizant of its place in pop culture. The premise of "Once More with Feeling" is absolutely absurd, but it works because the songs are catchy and we love the characters and we love laughing at how silly, and yet touching, the whole thing is. Which, really, is exactly what makes RHPS work. So I'm not sure what she's talking about, and the other people they interviewed were pretty awesome too.
I second xepherys's question, though. Where do you get one of those monsters?!?
PS the first: That first video features one of Anya's best moments.
PS the second: The theater in SF that it's playing at is ridiculously close to where I live. GREAT SUCCESS!
Last edited by Frosstbyte; 07-17-2007 at 11:51 PM..