Yeah I've been to two now and had a blast both times. People are so into it, it's crazy. The line to get in was around the block, and everybody was psyched. During an audience participation bit at the beginning, a couple volunteered to go on stage to perform and mentioned that they had met each other at the last sing-a-long! Pretty cool.
Also cool is the makeup of the audience, which of course contains its share of Comic Book Guys, but is really heavily female. I can't think of another show/movie in the Geek Hall of Fame that is so gender balanced (well, maybe Firefly/Serenity, also by Joss Whedon). Plus, this show was canceled like 3 years ago and it's clear that people really miss it. At least we've got Season 8 now...
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"